Wednesday, March 11, 2009

今年熱賣流行經典 –圓頭坡跟涼鞋(銀色)

顏色: 銀色

尚有其他潮人產品, Wellcome 選購,勿失良機 *
另所有圖片顏色與實物或有少許差異,請注意喔 !

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

今年熱賣流行經典 - 高筒毛毛百搭圓頭靴子

很百搭的一款Boot,冬日襯 衫shopping必備。
(不包郵費,平郵另加HKD28.00 = HKD108.00,因郵費比較貴,最好能在上環MTR交收)
尚有其他潮人產品, Wellcome 選購,勿失良機 *
另所有圖片顏色與實物或有少許差異,請注意喔 !

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


SIZE : 均碼 FREE SIZE / 材料:100%棉

1) 厚身全黑色
2) 閃亮銀底+心形圖案(HIP位是全黑色)
3) 黑底+紫、灰色交錯菱形圖案 (HIP位是全黑色)

高密度,不易起毛球、手感柔軟、穿起來更舒適、貼身、自然、不繃緊、勢必成為衣框中的新寵,令你每天也有新驚喜 ~~

現特價速銷,HKD58.00(不包郵費,平郵另加HKD10.00= HKD68.00)

尚有其他款式, Wellcome 選購,勿失良機 *


另所有圖片顏色與實物或有少許差異,請注意喔 !

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some people say beauty itself is abstract. Do you agree ?

After made the summary with different people, we list out the points as below :-

1) Beauty from your heart, not your outlook.
2) Keep yourself clean & fresh.
3) Has a very friendly disposition.
4) Respect to others.
5) With love with all the people even you don't like.
6) Keep on smile to everyone.

What do you think ?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why you choose Bello Donna ?

Fashion World from Bello Donna provided 1 stop on-line services. You just stay with the computer, then you can choose whatever you want to change your own style. Starting from the hair, accessories, jewelery, fashion as well as the handbags & shoes... etc, all different vareity that you can found from here. Meantime, we are the expert to teach you how to make mix & match style to with different accessories, ensure our tips can fit your own style to show to everyone.

P.S. All photos provided by the suppliers.

Who is Bello Donna ?

FashionWorld from Bello.Donna, is one of the ON-LINE SHOPPING FOR YOUR EASY LIFE, we are your number one source for your Fashion image. We have everything you need when it comes to your own style.

We are runing on Young-trend styles, all we import from Asia countries. Our products included, Casual-wear, One-priece Dress, Jacket, T-shirts, as well as other Fashion accessories like : fashion bags, Shoes, Jewelery, Necklace, Bracelets, Earring, Rings, Penants....etc, ensure there is anyone of them can meet your own max & match style.

Come be happy with Fashion World ~

If any further message or comment, you are welcome to leave us the message or email direct to :

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